Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Capri (pronounced Crap-pee)

Sorry, we just have to vent. After quite a debate as to whether we should wake up early and spend the money to take a boat to Capri, we finally decided yes. Neither one of us was super excited for it, but Julie made the argument as to whether we feel worse for going or not going. Unfortunately, it was the former. Capri sounds like some wonderfully exotic island for the super wealthy, kind of like the Monaco in island form. Be warned, it is not. There were parts of the boat ride, surrounding the island, that were nice to look at, but the island itself is nothing special. We didn't think it was prettier than anything we had seen, and chances are, if you're going to Capri, you're also taking in the rest of the Amalfi Coast. It's overcrowded, overpriced, and overrated. The buses there were, surprise, packed!!!!! Let's just say the guy in front of me could tell how many pieces of gum were in my front pocket. There were only about 10 seats on the bus, seemingly reserved for locals who cut in front of the line. This was the good thing about Capri, it had very organized lines for the buses, but every local went straight to the front. We ate lunch there, and I had a pizza that I think would have made the Domino's commercial as a failure that the CEO would promise to fix. I ordered a Caprese pizza, which came with arugula instead of basil. Here is the definition of Caprese Salad. Go ahead, click on it. I realize I sound like a food snob, but if you have ever read this, you understand. Basil and arugula are not similar. So, I scraped every piece of arugula off of the pizza and put half on the plate and half on the table. When the waiter picked it up, he spent a while trying to get all of the arugula on the plate. What a joke! You can't get a pizza named after your "Crapi" island right? Congrats!
We then opted to take a chairlift to the top of the island to get a great view. Apparently, in the island of excess and overcharging for things, they didn't opt for the quad-seat chairlift. We took a circa-WWII, wooden, one-seated chairlift to the top that must have escorted the French army to the top like lemmings. The view was quite awesome until the memory card in my camera stopped working and opted not to show any of the photos from our trip. Luckily, I had downloaded all of the photos up until that morning, but nothing on the boat ride and so on had been captured. Hopefully I can fix this when we get home. All it did was anger me more at the island. Julie tried to coax me down the chairlift with the promise of gelato at the bottom. It worked until we were next in line and about a thousand Italian students stormed the gelato case like the fat kid seeing the chocolate river in Willy Wonka for the first time. Have you ever heard of lines????????? Fortunately, the lady knew we were next and ignored their pleas for cioccolato. They were swarming us, and I had to use my backpack and a few shoulder shrugs to fight them off. Luckily, they saw a famous Naples soccer player and went nuts like American kids with Justin Bieber (equally unimportant). JJ, hopefully know who this soccer player is. Apparently, he is very handsome according to the Italian lady Julie asked (JJ, maybe ask Travis, he knows handsome men).
We took the peaceful boat ride back and relaxed in Amalfi. We ended up back at a familiar restaurant and had a very good meal. Next up, our last peaceful day.

you know he's hanging by a thread


  1. The point is, you get to say you've been to Capri!

  2. That water in the photo is an amazing color or blue. Very pretty.

  3. Also, I have no idea who that player is. I try to keep up with the handsome European soccer players but I've fallen behind in my reading of "Football Hunks Weekly"
